The Importance Of True Focus And How To Achieve It

Jul 25, 2024

The Often Underestimated Skill Crucial For Your Business's Success

Focusing on one thing at a time.

I instantly revealed the skill because I know you'll frown on it.

Yet, if you don't learn how to truly do this instead of just saying you're doing it…

The path to both short and long-term success will at the very least be harder. And it will definitely be more tiring psychologically.

Today, I want to show you why that's the case…

And how you can go about learning to focus on one thing only, starting NOW. 

Let's dive into it.


Why Focusing On One Thing At A Time Is Key For Consistently & Efficiently Growing Your Course Business

Let me illustrate this by using my “famous” Online Course Business formula:

If you want to be profitable and reach your vision of success, you need to have all these in place the right way, sure.

But the biggest mistake I’ve seen working with thousands of course creators (and one I made myself at my humble beginnings) is this:

Trying to nail them all at the same time.

So, you’re tweaking your funnel while you’re tweaking your offer while also trying to work better with your students while figuring out how to generate more testimonials while trying to drive more traffic.

Even reading it all in one sentence got confusing 😊

Imagine what actually doing all of this at once does to your head. Plus, it usually leads to subpar individual results…

Despite all your best efforts and a lot of time spent.

Don’t get me wrong, I respect the hustle of people doing this. Few people can even think, let alone try something like this.

But focusing on all five aspects at once is often more a recipe for not scaling…

Than for advancing the process as originally intended. 

That’s because your focus is all over the place. Meaning that, no matter how smart, detailed, and thoughtful you are…

You aren’t doing any one thing as well as you could. (Note that I’m not saying you’re not doing them well. Just not as well as you could. It’s a big difference.)

I know it will sound weird. And I get why. But indulge me for a second and think about this:

What could you accomplish if you fully focused only on one of the spokes in the above formula?

Even for months at a time if that’s what it takes.

If you really give it a thought, you’ll see the hidden potential.

Still, there is a clear dilemma here:

How do you choose what to focus on first? 

Let me show you it’s nowhere near as complicated as it seems. 


How To Choose The One Thing To Focus On First

Think about the lowest-hanging fruit that can move the needle for you.

It sounds abstract, I know. So, let me explain it through examples:

Say your funnel isn’t converting. Creating a webinar using a winning structure (or adding another element you’re confident can make a considerable difference conversion-wise) could be your lowest-hanging fruit.

So, that’s where you put all your focus first.

On the other hand, if you have a high-converting funnel and a great offer that gets traction…

But you aren’t getting as many people to it for your revenue numbers to be as high as possible….

Focusing on traffic and getting the right people’s eyes on your offer can be that needle-mover. 

In this case, pretending no other element exists but the traffic could net you amazing benefits. 

Act like it’s your only job, and you’ll excel at it. Consider this:

If you focused on traffic only for the next 3 months, do you think you can 10x the number of people coming into your world?

If not 100% doable, I bet that, if you already have the other things in place, you can get dangerously close.

Then, as results come, you switch your focus to the next lowest-hanging fruit.

Of course, focusing on creating a webinar or generating traffic are just examples. The gist is this:

Focusing on one thing at a time.

I get figuring out this “one thing” can be trickier than I made it out above. If that’s your case, you could benefit from outside eyes reviewing your business…

And helping you see what’s sometimes difficult to identify from the inside.

There’s also one simple “hack” you can try to instantly gain focus on one thing at a time in short periods.

Let me show it to you.


How To Start Focusing On One Thing At A Time Starting Now

In this day and age, it’s more difficult to focus on one thing than ever.

We get an average of around 100 push notifications a day from our phones alone. Not to mention all the other distractions, like random people & gurus trying to constantly shift your focus to the next “shiny thing.”

But there’s a way to block EVERYTHING out, at least for a couple of hours at a time:

Focus Sessions.

These have gotten such great results for my students and me, which inspired me to write a separate article on the topic. 

So, if you want to learn more about focus sessions and how to start doing them now for free…

Go here



Focusing on one thing at a time sounds simple to both understand & apply.

Yet, actually doing it is a lot more challenging than it seems.

But if you accept how crucial doing so is…

And put your focus (pun intended) on applying the idea to your day-to-day business tasks…

You will succeed.

Here’s to using the focus session method I introduced above (or anything else that works for YOU) to start getting that laser focus now instead of later…

And charting a consistent course to success, one step at a time.