Nailing All The Elements Of An Irresistible Offer – Part 1

Oct 24, 2024

There are so many components that combine into an offer and determine how it will fare. My articles have covered most over time, sure. 

But one thing is lacking:

Listing ALL elements in one place, including the ones not determined by you but by the market…

And giving you examples to emulate and see what you can do to dial in every single component. 

Today, I want to lay out all the elements you can optimize to make your offer as irresistible as possible. In part 2 next week, I’ll share examples that show you how to do that in practice.

Let’s dive into it.


“Inside The Offer” Components You Can Control

Knowing what these are and how to optimize them can make or break your selling success.

Sure, they won’t work without at least some of the “outside of the offer components” dialed in…

But will ensure your sales explode if those are in place.

Let’s examine them one by one.


Maximizing Perceived Value

It’s not about the $ mark you put on the offer. It’s about the value perception you create in your prospect’s mind.

Understanding the following value equation boosts your chances of bumping up said perception:

For starters, how important is the dream outcome you offer to your prospects? 

If it’s something they think of rarely, after covering what really matters to them…

You’re in for quite a battle.

But if it can make a huge difference for the prospects, selling it becomes much easier.

Especially if you manage to show that the likelihood of achievement is super high. You do that by demonstrating why they can reach the dream outcome…

And why you are the person who can take them there in the quickest and most frictionless way possible.

Note that the “quickest” part is connected to the third equation element – time delay. The faster the prospects can expect to reach their dream outcome…

The more likely they are to act and try what you’ve got.

Finally, if they can reach the outcome with little effort and while carrying on with their lives…

Why not try it?

Now, you can always have all these elements dialed in. Nor is it necessary.

For example, if everything but effort & sacrifice is on point, focus on that and make the effort part of their journey and identity.

In other words, play with what you have and ensure those elements are as high or low as you need them to be.

This is something you do in your funnel and all communication with prospects, of course. 


Boosting Urgency & Scarcity

You can do this in a completely non-scammy way. And no, these two terms aren’t interchangeable.

In fact, there are 3 top ways to use urgency and 2 top ways to use scarcity if you run an online course business.

I go deep into all 5 in this article.


Adding Conversion Boosting Bonuses

Not every bonus will do the trick. Only those that make it 100% clear to the prospect that they can reach the outcome/transformation your course promises quicker & easier will.

Way too many course creators make the mistake of presenting their bonuses as extra work. 

Instead, you should present them as additional frictionless shortcuts.

To learn how to do this and avoid the grim fate of having conversion-killing instead of conversion-boosting bonuses…

Check out this article.


Demand-Boosting Pricing

This doesn’t mean pricing your offers low or having huge discounts.

In fact, many times it’s the complete opposite. Meaning that premium pricing actually attracts people…

And throws away bad customers.

Knowing your audience is key here. If you can play the premium angle, do it.

If not, make sure your offer still sounds premium but explain why you can offer it at such a bargain.

And don’t forget:

While cheap is never attractive — a bargain always is.

So, even when pricing premium, make sure that your prospects clearly see how amazing the bargain you’re offering is.


Risk-Reversal Guarantees

Virtually every course has a guarantee these days. But most are generic and the prospect can’t clearly see that the seller is taking on the risk.

There are simple tweaks you can use to ensure your guarantees are memorable and grab attention…

While boosting conversions at minimal extra risk for you.

I laid out all these tweaks in this article.


Outside The Offer” Components You Can’t Control

But you must know exactly how they will affect your offer before you create it.

Understand this, and you can leverage the factors that work for you while covering those that don’t.

At the very least, researching these components will show you if your offer is worth creating in the first place.

Let’s examine what you should focus said research on:


Are You Targeting The Right Market

By “right,” I mean if it fulfills at least 2 out of 4 of the following criteria (the more, the better):

1. The pain point you’re tackling is severe. 

This means that your target audience would benefit significantly from your solution. For example, if someone offered them the alleviation of the problem you solve…

They’d take it in a heartbeat and feel super relieved.

2. High Purchasing Power

Now, this factor is usually fulfilled for biz-op offers and courses targeting high-income groups.

Sure, the more power people have, the more likely they are to spend a chunk of it on your solution. Especially if point 1 is met.

But you can make it even in a medium purchasing power market, as long as you create an irresistible offer using most “inside the offer) components the right way…

And tackle the right pain point.

3. Easy-to-target

Let’s say you’re targeting doctors. This means it would be pretty easy to find where they gather…

And make your offer.

For some solutions, it’s far more difficult to find people interested in it. But as long as such people exist and you’re ready to do work to find them…

You can make it even if doing that isn’t straightforward.

4. Growing market

This is the simplest factor — if more and more people are entering the market and facing the problem you solve…

Your offer will have a higher selling rate.

As long as you make it as irresistible as possible, of course.


Are You Targeting The Right People

If you make an irresistible offer but don’t do the work to attract people actually interested in it…

It will all be for nothing.

That’s why doing the work to get the right eyes on your offer is so crucial. And why it pays to check if this term is met BEFORE you put in the time to create the actual offer.


Are You Making The Offer At The Right Time

The “right time” depends on the individuals in your audience. And it will never be right for everyone.

But simply staying in touch with your prospects over time will both help you get insights into when is the right time for most…

And allow you to make your offer consistently over time (e.g., via email), thereby boosting the chances of hitting that “right time” mark for more people.


Does Your Audience Have A Primed Mindset

This means that they are ready & eager to hear your offer…

And know the value of action. 

This is actually the factor you can control the most in this second group. You can do this via a carefully crafted funnel.



Now that you have all the irresistible offer components in one place, you can compare what can be done to what you're doing now…

And work out exactly how to fill in the gaps.

Next week's practical examples of how successful others have done this will make the process even easier.

Here's to using all these insights to create an offer that gets both your prospects and you to your dream outcomes.

I'm rooting for you.
