The Winning Webinar Structure And How To Create It (Part 1)

Jun 27, 2024

Yes, I recognize why you think webinars are a thing of the past and don't work anymore.

And sure, most are boring and can't move the needle conversion or relationship-wise.

But if you approach webinar creation the right way and make it truly valuable and interesting for your target audience...

It can serve as the backbone of lead and conversion generation for your course business.

Today, I want to show you the one webinar structure that can play this role for you. As it does for my students and me.

Plus, I'll dive deep into each element and show you exactly how you can use this structure to create a winning webinar for your course business.

Actually, because there's so much to be said about every webinar element and because I want to show you some success examples you can emulate...

I'll split the webinar structure topic into two articles.

Let's dive into part one.


The Two Ingredients That Make Or Break Every Webinar

We'll talk about all webinar elements and get into the nitty-gritty of what works in a moment. 

But first, you need to understand the higher-level prerequisites of a successful webinar (and a successful funnel in general). 

These come  down to getting your prospects to believe two things:

  1. “I can do this.”
  2. "This person and this program are the perfect way for me to do this." 

Everything you do when organizing your webinar should be in service of instilling these two beliefs in your prospects' minds BEFORE they get to your offer.

Do it successfully, and the conversion is yours.

Remember, a webinar that doesn’t instill these 2 beliefs (think 90% of webinars out there) won’t lead to a spike in conversion rates. Even if you emulate all the winning components I show you in this article series. 

I won’t go deeper into how you can approach building these beliefs because I did that in this article

Instead, let’s get straight to breaking down the 6 elements of a winning webinar…

And see how you can nail them down for your course business.


6 Key Components Of All Successful Webinars

Before I show you the 6 components, let me be clear about one thing:

I didn’t come up with these from scratch. Most are based on the framework from the book “Expert Secrets.”

What I did was add my experience of what works in the course creator world…

So you can skip the testing period and start focusing on the stuff that gets results from the outset.

With that said, here are the 6 key components of winning webinars:

Let’s break each down in depth.


Key Winning Webinar Component One: The Intro

Your intro must build intrigue, reel the prospect in, and ensure they are so intrigued by the info you tease…

It becomes a no-brainer to stick around and listen to your webinar.

The first part of creating such intrigue is the title slide. I suggest using this framework for crafting it:

How to (add the result your target audience desires the most)…

Without (add the thing your target audience fears most).

You can tinker around with the structure and make it your own, of course. But most successful webinars I’ve seen follow the high-level idea:

Build desire and curiosity so it’s virtually impossible for your ideal prospect to walk away without hearing what you have to say.

Here’s how I structured the title slide for my “Piano In 21 Days” course webinar:

After the title slide, you get straight into building rapport with your prospects. 

Ideally, you’ll do 5 things in this phase:

1. Justify their failures


If you’ve failed to learn piano before… it’s not your fault. 

2. Put their fears to rest

Address any potential fears regarding your offer. Like this one:

Do you really want to go to a piano lesson every week for years?

3. Throw rocks at enemies


Here’s why the traditional approach for learning piano doesn’t work…

4. Confirm suspicions


I get why learning piano in 21 days seems impossible or even like a scam. But today I’ll show you some tricks that demonstrate why my method can work for you… 

5. Encourage their dreams


I know your dream is to play the piano…

And today I’ll show you how you can make it happen fast…


You don’t have to cover all 5 talking points. The key is selecting those that fit your offer and target audience based on your research and understanding of your prospects.

Once you’re done building rapport, you transition into the “Who Is This For” part.

Here, you first build relatability by calling out your ideal prospect…

And then you show them exactly what they will get out of your presentation. When doing this, make sure that the outcome coincides with your prospects’ deep desires. 

Next, you introduce the goals of your webinar. Simply show people what you have in store for them…

And why it can lead to achieving their dream outcome better than any other alternative. 

Russel Brunson labels goals as the “Big Domino.” Because if you can get people to believe they are possible and knock this domino down…

All the others will follow suit.

(Quick Tip: Don’t make the common mistake of talking about your course here. In fact, don’t mention it at all until you get to the pitching part of the webinar. This helps you avoid people thinking your webinar is just a common sales pitch… and leaving because of it.)

Finally, qualify yourself and show prospects why you’re the person who can actually get them to these goals.

You can also add a case study that demonstrates how you made a difference for someone.

Plus, you can offer an incentive for staying until the end. 

That incentive can be your course bonus, a special doc, etc. For “Piano In 21 Days,” I offer the first 5 lessons of my course. 

This way, even people who aren’t ready to buy now stay in the loop…

And often convert later.

After the incentive is out there, it’s time to transition to the second component of winning webinars:


Key Winning Webinar Component Two: Epiphany Bridge Story

Inspiring emotions. This is the main goal of this story because emotions drive our purchase decisions far more than logic.

To do this effectively, go back to your beginnings and think about the first time you discovered the opportunity you’re selling.

What were the emotions you felt?

Then, imagine your prospect and their story. Because people will be listening to you…

But thinking about themselves. So, while you may be the hero in your own story…

You must position yourself as the perfect guide in your prospect’s story.

Meaning they see you as the person who has all the secrets that can get them where they want to be.

Here’s how to structure your epiphany bridge story to get this result:

1. Your backstory

Be real and relatable — tell people how you got to your idea.

2. Your struggles and desires

Explain what kept you down…

And the desires that kept you going.

3. The big wall

Show them the biggest obstacle you had to overcome to get to your desired outcome.

4. The big epiphany

Paint a picture of that moment when you finally realized what you needed to do to crush that big wall.

5. Your achievements and transformation

Show the transformation your epiphany and achievements enabled. Be as graphic as possible so prospects can visualize themselves succeeding too.


You don’t have to strictly follow this structure. Feel free to adapt it to your unique story. But make sure to evoke the same emotions the structure is optimized to create.

Once you finish the epiphany bridge story, make sure to add a transition that transfers the spotlight from you…

To the viewers. 

Make it about them and create a clear vision of success in their minds. (You can also add a case study of a person who closely depicts your ideal prospect.)

This sets the stage for getting into the third component, which represents the “meat” of your webinar.


Key Winning Webinar Component Three: The Main Content

This is all about the so-called “secrets,” which are, in fact, insider information.

At this point, prospects see you as the guide — someone who knows something they don’t. And if they could just get that knowledge & secrets…

All their problems would go away. 

Your prospects showed up to your webinar precisely to discover these insider information…

And get quick hacks that lead to quick wins.

You must give them both in this section of your webinar. 

To do this, you need to present 2-4 (typically 3 because that number resonates for some reason) compelling and sexy “secrets.”

Here’s a proven method for crafting such secrets that resonate:

Start with a problem, objection, obstacle, or belief your audience has. Then, connect it to your solution. 

Finally, enhance it so it instantly resonates and sounds super valuable. 

You can see how I apply this method on objections when crafting compelling bonuses in this article.

Go through the same process for your audience’s objections, problems, or beliefs. And I guarantee you will have more than enough compelling “secrets” that at the very least position you as an authority figure in your prospect’s mind…

And at best skyrocket their desire to learn more from you NOW.

Introducing these “secrets” marks the end of the “relatability and meat” part of your webinar. Now, it’s time to transition into selling.

But this article is already way too long. So, we’ll cover selling in Part 2, along with guidelines on creating, recording, and editing your webinar.

I’m rooting for you.
