Build a profitable online course business... from the beginning.

Watch this video for all the details...


Genesis Courses is specifically designed for aspiring course creators to not only create an online course... but an online course business that is profitable and makes sales on auto-pilot every day.

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Why most people fail with online courses

Back in 2013 I got the idea for my first online course - an online piano course.

I just knew this would be my ticket to everything I ever wanted - job freedom, location freedom, financial freedom.

So I spent 8 months creating the course in my spare time after work.

That first day after my course went live? Crickets. Not a single sale. Zero, zip, nada. I was frustrated and honestly kind of scared.

It turns out it wasn't as easy as "if you build it they will come".

The problem is I had built a course, not a course business... and this is why most people fail too.

I didn't have traffic. I didn't have a sales funnel. I didn't have an irresistible offer. I just had a course that no one knew existed.

You have something amazing to teach and share. But unless you know the right formula for success with an online course business, you won't be able to make that impact on others and make a comfortable living in the process.


Genesis Courses is specifically designed for aspiring course creators to not only create an online course... but an online course business that is profitable and makes sales on auto-pilot every day.

With Genesis You Get:

  • A proven step-by-step process to go from idea to profitable online course business so you can have the confidence you are working on the right things, in the right order.
  • Mentorship and direct feedback and coaching from Jacques aka The Online Course Guy.
  • Confidence in your niche so you know you won't go through all the effort of creating a course that doesn't sell.
  • Go beyond the online course and set up all the components of a profitable online course business.

The GENESIS Roadmap...


Intro & Foundations

Here we'll get you in the right mindset to succeed with an online course business and ensure you're prepared with all the tools and tech you'll need.


Picking (or Confirming) Your Niche

Haven't nailed your niche? No problem. In this module, we'll walk you through the process of nailing down or confirming both your broad niche and specific niche, so you can be sure you're targeting a market that will buy your course.


Your First (or Next) 500 Followers

This is audience building done right. Grow your audience by 500 people that are exactly the type you are trying to serve.


Course Design

It's not time to record the course yet, but it is time to start designing it. Use Jacques' unique process for designing a world-class transformational course.


The Offer

You won't make any sales without a compelling offer. In this module, Jacques walks you through the steps to putting together an offer that your ideal customer would feel crazy not signing up for... but also something you're willing to deliver on.


Sales Pages for Non-Copywriters and Non-Designers

Most people are terrible at sales pages. That's because most people are not copywriters or designers. By the end of this module you'll have a beautiful sales page... but more importantly a high-converting sales page.


Webinar Content

We're not talking about live webinars here. That can be pretty scary for beginners. And to be honest they aren't necessary anymore. In this module, we're putting together our evergreen webinar which will be our main selling mechanism.


Create Course

Now it's time to finally create our course! Now that we have our offer, webinar content, sales page, etc. in place, our course will be that much better for it.


Final Touches & Testing

It's time to connect all the final pieces and run through our testing checklist so we can be sure everything works great when we turn it on.


Go Time

You made it. You now have a beautifully crafted online course business (not just an online course). Let's turn everything on and watch the magic happen.

But that's not all! Genesis also comes with these BONUSES to make the whole process easier...

Bonus #1: Jacques's team personally reviews your work after each module

It's one thing to follow a proven process and do the work. It's another thing to get your coach to review your work every step of the way. Submit what you've done after each module so you have confidence you're applying everything correctly.

Bonus #2: Bi-Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Jacques

Get coached directly by Jacques along with others in the program to get Jacques' eyes on your business, get your questions answered, and drive consistent results.

Bonus #3: Done-For-You Templates

You'll get Jacques' done-for-you webinar and sales video templates so you know exactly what to say and show to move your audience to action.

Bonus #4: Jacques' Funnel Email Scripts

You'll get Jacques' funnel email templates which have been responsible for generating multiple 7-figures, so you never have to struggle with what to write in an email again.

Bonus #5: World-Class Networking in a Private Community

Distraction-free, high-level conversations with other ambitious A-plays, with support and encouragement to help you win.

Bonus #6: Piano In 21 Days

Get access to Jacques' revolutionary piano program so you can see for yourself what the inside of a successful course looks like, or learn piano yourself!

What Others Are Saying

"It's the best investment I've ever made in myself because I'm getting constant sales and I have paid for the program more than tenfold and it's only been a little over a month since my evergreen offer went live."

- Christina Umerez

"Learning this process from Jacques has been invaluable on this journey. The framework of traffic source, funnel, course, and reviews was really helpful in simplifying everything and breaking it down in a way that was easy to wrap my head around."

- Taylor Dean Barnett

 "I was initially concerned and skeptical about the price since I was so new with my business but in 2 months I have more than made back what I invested."

- Spencer Russell

What You're Gonna Get...

Genesis Courses Training Vault................................................ $5,800 Value

Feedback on Your Work from the OC G Team........................ $6,000 Value

Bi-Weekly Office Hours with Jacques..................................... $4,000 Value

Done-For-You Templates............................................................. $800 Value

Funnel Email Scripts.................................................................. $1,500 Value

Private Community...................................................................... $800 Value

Piano In 21 Days............................................................................ $997 Value

TOTAL VALUE: $19,897


Genesis Courses


*12 Month Program*

Or save 2 Monthly Payments when you pay in full

Apply to GENESIS Now

The "No-Brainer" Genesis Guarantee

Signing up for a program like Genesis is a big deal.

It's potentially life-altering.

But you also don't want to just throw money down the drain for a program that "might not work" or you "might never get to".

I get it. Trust me I do.

That's why I want you to make a truly informed decision.

And you can only do that once you are on the inside, actually using the program.

Try it for 10 days. Consume all the content if you want. Take advantage of everything you can for 10 days. And if you don't feel like it's the perfect program to help you reach your goals then I will personally give you a full refund. No questions asked and no hard feelings. And if you want, I'll also audit your situation and provide you with my recommended path forward so you can still make progress toward your goals, whether that's another program, a book, or just general advice. I want you to succeed even if it's outside of Genesis!

The second part of this guarantee is a 90-day exit clause. If after 3 months you decide Genesis isn't working out for you, you can drop out and not be on the hook for the remaining nine months of payments.

Hear James' Story...


"My first sales were nuclear!"

- James Akers | iPad for Architects

In case I missed anything, here are some commonly asked questions...


Genesis Courses

$499/mo (normally $599/mo)

*12 Month Program*

Or save 2 Monthly Payments when you pay in full

Apply to Genesis