251: Starting an Online Course Business? Expect This…
Struggling to gain traction with your online course business? You're not alone! In this episode, I dive into what to expect in the early stages and, more importantly, how to turn failure into progress. I share a personal story about my first 24 hours as a brand-new RVer, where everything seemed to go wrong - only to realize that struggle is part of the process, just like when I started my online piano course.
If you've ever felt discouraged because things aren’t going as planned, this episode is for you. I break down the Journey of Transformation - a roadmap that highlights the inevitable highs and lows of learning something new - and how staying consistent will ultimately lead to success.
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Sign up for Jacques’ Journal: https://www.theonlinecourseguy.com/
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Watch the Free Workshop: https://www.theonlinecourseguy.com/workshop
Free Kajabi Course and 1 month Trial: http://everyclickkajabi.com/
Free Skool Course and 14 day Trial: https://www.skool.com/refer?ref=c725cf8892fe42c8bb37dd7e5ffc2575
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